

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesha Chaturthi, the great Ganesha festival, also known as 'Vinayak Chaturthi'
or 'Vinayaka Chavithi' is celebrated by Hindus around the world as the birthday
of Lord Ganesha. It is observed during the Hindu month of Bhadra (mid-August
to mid-September) and the grandest and most elaborate of them, especially in the
western India state of Maharashtra, lasts for 10 days, ending on the day of 'Ananta
 On the day of the festival, it is placed on raised platforms in homes or in elaborately
decorated outdoor tents for people to view and pay their homage.
 For 10 days, from Bhadrapad Shudh Chaturthi to the Ananta Chaturdashi, Ganesha
is worshipped. On the 11th day, the image is taken through the streets in a procession
accompanied with dancing, singing, to be immersed in a river or the sea symbolizing
a ritual see-off of the Lord in his journey towards his abode in Kailash while taking
away with him the misfortunes of all man. All join in this final procession shouting
"Ganapathi Bappa Morya, Purchya Varshi Laukariya" (O father Ganesha, come again
early next year). After the final offering of coconuts, flowers and camphor is made,
people carry the idol to the river to immerse it.

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